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Lease Offer
$ /month
Financing Offer
Display Option: standaloneLeaseFinance
Vehicle Data Type: modelCode
Model Code: 258L
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3.0 s
Lease Offer
$ /month
Financing Offer
Display Option: standaloneLeaseFinance
Vehicle Data Type: modelCode
Model Code: 258L
MSRP: From
01 Drive
02 Appearance
03 Technology
04 Protection
1-Four years of service included in factory-equipped vehicles.
2-The 20 inches wheels or bigger come with low profile tires, which reduce comfort and cushioning between the wheel and road. This can lead to increased risk of rim, tire, and suspension damage when driving over damaged road surfaces such as potholes.
3-Cruise control is not a substitute for the driver's own responsibility in adjusting speed and otherwise controlling the vehicle. After evaluating the road, traffic and visibility conditions, the driver must decide whether and how the system is to be used.
4-Active Guard is not a substitute for the driver's own responsibility in maintaining safe control of the vehicle. Lane Departure Warning requires clearly definable lane markings that are not obscured by rain, snow, etc.
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